6 Reasons Why 99% of Facebook Employees Adore Mark Zuckerberg

Most of us have some sort of experience when it comes to dealing with our peers in the workplace. With this in mind, it’s pretty normal to experience some degree of jealousy whenever someone achieves far greater accolades than you. You could say that it’s reasonable to expect that a lot of Mark Zuckerberg’s co-workers are jealous of him, considering that he’s the world’s youngest billionaire.

It’s definitely interesting to learn that this isn’t the case when it comes to the people that are close to Zuckerberg. They’d certainly disagree with you, and point out the fact that the Facebook founder and CEO has a 99.3% approval rating from his Facebook employees. So, what is this young tech billionaire doing to win his beloved employees over? Here are a few of his secrets:

He Removes Barriers

Zuckerberg understands that there are hierarchies in the workplace between executives and employees, and he does his best to break them all down. For example, his office has glass walls, and it’s contrary to the traditional idea of a CEO having a private room with his secretary guarding the door. He certainly wants his employees to know that he can be approached to an extensive degree. It’s almost like he wants people to think that they’re equal, and it’s an excellent way to show them that you highly value what they bring to the table.

Throws Away Traditional Hierarchies

Zuckerberg certainly approaches leadership in a very unique and open-minded way. With this in mind, it’s not a surprise that he constantly aims to throw away traditional hierarchies. It’s also not a surprise that his company is one of the world’s most dynamic and fastest-growing companies in the entire world.

The Facebook CEO acknowledges everyone’s ideas and values them in obvious and clear ways. As a result, it has proven to be more effective and efficient instead of slotting different people and employees into roles based on experience and age.

Has A Clear Vision

A big part of leadership and getting people to rally behind you is to show them a clear vision and a clear way forward. Zuckerberg has made a point to create a degree of openness and connectivity to the world, and it proves that his commitment to that goal never wavers. It’s certainly wonderful to have a leader that is incredibly directed at a goal, and as a result, it gives employees something to aim and strike towards.

Has Legitimacy

People may say a lot of things about this Facebook CEO, but the facts certainly speak for themselves. Zuckerberg took an idea and cultivated it using his own skills and savvy. As a result, he was able to create a successful empire. One cannot deny that he and his company changed the way people stay connected with each other all over the globe.

He’s certainly one of the most legitimate CEOs we have today, and he’s proven that he’s an effective leader. As a result, he’s been able to lead his company to become incredibly successful. Best believe Zuckerberg and his company won’t be needing any money loans any time soon!

Has No Fear

Another excellent quality that Zuckerberg has as a CEO is being fearless. A Facebook employee even commended him for having the guts to acquire a $19-billion as an investment. It certainly does not matter if his employees agree with his decisions. He’s more than willing to act and intelligence is certainly present to back up his business decisions. Without a doubt, it’s a quality that commands respect.

Empowers His Employees

As a leader, there’s a certain degree of helping and empowering your employees that are needed. In turn, Facebook employees are highly empowered by Zuckerberg, and as a result, they’re able to act in creative ways. It’s worth noting that these creative ways are well beyond the confines of tradition and bureaucracy that exists in other large companies.

It can be a difficult task to run a huge and successful tech company. It’s also incredibly difficult to manage thousands of employees and get them to work together as a unit. Zuckerberg certainly showed us that he’s able to maintain adaptability at the individual level and use it to succeed at a grand scale.
