Jeff Bezos: The Secret Behind Amazon’s Success

The internet has become quite an integral part in our day-to-day lives. Almost everything we want or need can be access with just a click, a push of a button, or even with a tap on the screen. From online classes to long-distance communication and everything in between, another activity that many of us do on the internet is, of course, purchasing items like books, clothes, and toys. While we can name more than a few online stores right off the top of our heads, there is one store that has been in the business way before the internet was even as good as it is today – Amazon. Founded by Jeff Bezos, Amazon was initially an online bookstore that has since expanded to other products. With the company being in business for decades already, how does Bezos maintain Amazon’s success?

Be Committed

Jeff Bezos founded Amazon back in 1994, and from that point onward, despite the company’s massive growth over the years, he has remained committed to his goal: to focus on the long-term and keep the customers satisfied. Of course, like other companies, Amazon went through quite a journey filled with hurdles and challenges before it achieved a skyrocketing degree of success. That’s because Bezos stayed true to his vision. Without a doubt, it always helps to keep an eye and be prepared for whatever possibilities the future has in store. That way, we can find the best way to keep our customers satisfied, which is always beneficial to a business.

Stay True To Your Vision

As previously mentioned, it’s a must to stay true to one’s vision. Bezos aspired to start a customer-centric business in the online domain when he founded Amazon. Suffice to say, all the investments he has made for the company have certainly paid off well since then. With its goal of keeping its customers satisfied, Amazon has become a massive market filled with various kinds of products and services. Another habit to have is acknowledging any shortcomings you have made to the customer and making it up to them. After all, why would they stay with you if another business offers even better services?

Understand Your Market

It’s safe to say we can’t emphasize too much how important it is to be prepared for just about anything. Instead of stepping straight for the gas pedal, rushing in blindly, take a step back and observe, understand what lies ahead, the threats and opportunities, the pros and cons. Well, that’s what Jeff Bezos did: he understood what it meant to start a business in the online market. Considering that he founded Amazon in 1994, it’s no secret that the internet at the time was still far from optimized, and he knew that. In fact, he decided to start an online store because he realized the internet had grown by 2,300% in just a year. With that, he acknowledged that the web still had plenty of room to grow and expand its reach to more people, meaning Amazon’s customers will also increase in number in due time. Well, would you look at that? It certainly did.

Know How To Self-Promote

Like many companies, Amazon is composed of various departments of people tasked with focusing on a particular field of business. Of course, one of these teams is dedicated in promoting its products and services. Even so, Bezos also deserves credit for promoting what he and Amazon do. The interesting thing is, he doesn’t make it obvious that he’s advertising Amazon. To do that, it’s no secret to work on how you deliver your promotion – always helps to practice beforehand, for sure. Keep it casual; make it a punch line of a joke, even. If you’re a leader of an endeavor or a face of a project, this gives you plenty of opportunities to interact with the public, therefore numerous chances to promote yourself and your work.

The Simpler The Explanation, The Better

At this point, it’s safe to say we’ve all had someone ask us to explain something like they’re five years old. Of course, we wouldn’t be using complex terms when talking to a five-year-old. Instead, we keep our explanation simple so even they can have some degree of knowledge regarding any selected topic. With that said, this activity can help two types of people: the explainer and the listener. For one, explaining something in the most concise way possible is harder than you’d imagine. It requires us to study the subject thoroughly and boil it down to its simplest forms. Needless to say, this skill undoubtedly comes in handy when you’re running a business. For one, take a look at how Bezos advertised Amazon’s audiobook streaming service Audible: “Audible makes it possible for you to read when your eyes are busy.” We get its purpose in just a sentence.
