PEZ Dispensers: Prices Vary

It’s no secret that we like to have our favorite animated characters on almost everything back in the day. One of those fun toys that had our favorite characters was the PEZ dispenser. If you happen to have kept yours, then it’s worth knowing that they might be worth something today. It still has value even if it’s old, damaged to a minimal degree, and candy-less!

Back in 2006, a PEZ dispenser, known as the Astronaut B, made waves when it got sold on eBay for around $32,000. The dispenser was originally created for the 1982 World’s Fair, and people certainly got surprised that it fetched that much money. There are also other collectible dispensers and some of them are the 1955 Santa Claus Head dispenser, the Mickey Mouse Soft Head dispenser, and even the PEZ gun.
